Basic of Bearded Dragon Heating

The basic heating for bearded dragon needed to be done correctly in order to keep your pet dragon healthy. It is nothing complicated on how to setup a properly heating for the dragon cage. With little effort and knowledge on getting the right equipment and setting the correct temperature, then it would be very easy.

Many pet owners always neglect that heating is important for their lizard. An inappropriate heating may cause many health problems to bearded dragons, especially improper temperature. It requires you for little care of time in setting the heating element for correct temperature. It is tedious work but in long terms, it is worth doing that.

Bearded dragon is a thermoregulation animal, which is the way how reptile regulates the body temperature. Since bearded dragons are originate from high temperature continent. Thus in the wild, they are basically depends on the sun for body heating. Basking under the sun and hiding at shaded places is the only way to help them adjusting and maintaining the body’s temperature. This is why it is vital to help them to achieve body thermoregulation in the captivity using different types of reptile heating equipments.

The main source of bearded dragon heating equipment in the captivity would be the basking lamp in most reptile cage setting. It can provide a gradient of warmth throughout the vivarium with certain basking spots where bearded dragons like to spend their time.

If you home is very cold at night, which is about 65F or lower at night, a second source of heating elements is recommended. The good examples of reptile heating accessories are under tank heater, heat mat, heat lamp, or ceramic infrared heater emitter.

After deciding on reptile heating supplies to used, you need to setup a proper heat gradient in the bearded dragon cage for good body thermoregulation. A fixed temperature throughout the vivarium is not recommended, it doesn’t serve the purpose on heating up or cooling down the pet’s body temperature. A high temp spots may help them to digest the food, but a cooler place is where they need to shade in feel overheated.